Dear all, about 9 years ago I bought this gladiator from White Models but have never been able to paint it.
It was time before the long stop I had (5 years without blogging).
Many things changed since then, couple of years ago I heard about these 3d printers that were going to be responsible for the slow declining of the modellers and I though it was not yet the time to quit for me.
I started printing and painting 3d models to increase the Classic Marvel Figurine Collection of the former Eaglemoss, and I still have about 50 of them printed and ready to be customized with green Milliput and a lot of passion.
Since months I also started customizing STL files in order to produce my own STL models to be printed, avoiding in this way to put hands on Milliputs again.
Recently I started even e-modelling from scratch, and I have to say I am really enthusiastic with this!
Still 50 Marvel and Xcom figures already printed and waiting to be customized or painted, and about other 80 figures Marvel and Xcom already e-modelled and waiting to be printed.... You can find all of them in my Cults3D page.
But before say a final goodbye to the old lead style of painting and modelling I was having this old lead model and I wanted to finish this job, started 9 years ago... the last òead model to me.
Not a Marvel.... nota a X-Com.... but I hope you like it anyway!
P.S.: you will not find it in the Marvel nor X-Com galleries.... It doesn't match with them at all!
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