And Death Adder is the answer!!
So fellows as promised here they are Death Adder and Diamondback. It seems my effort on Serpent Society is end now. Maybe one day I'll think about Anaconda and Black Racer, in roder to have them all, but for now.... stop. Yet enough!
Last custom is Phyla Vell, Hope you like them all.
Death Adder comes from a Green Milliput modification starting from Scorpion Original Eaglemoss.
Diamodback is White Magic Sculp modification of a resin copy from Crystal Eaglemoss figure.
Phyla Vell is a White Magic Sculp modification from a resin copy of Jocasta figure from Eaglemoss, after adapting the Moonstone's cloak to her.
To number 300 still 4 customs left. One is really almost done, that is Veranke. The last three I choose Alkhema, a Hydra Member and Hawkeye Girl. If you have some suggestion for a last minute character I could re-think about the Hydra member or Alkhema. Le me know! (Hawkeyegirl is out of discussion!!!!!!)
This is not the best Eaglemoss Marvel Collection custom blog, but I'm pretty sure this is the largest in the Net!
Death Adder (Serpent Society):
Diamondback (Serpent Society):

Phyla Vell:
Davvero belli tutti!Bravo!!!
ReplyDeleteOra però ci vuole una bella di gruppo della Serpent Society...
grassie! Arrivo a 300, poi faccio quelle due minie che mi sono state richieste e poi mi metterò a fare foto dei vari gruppi ;)