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domenica 30 settembre 2012

Black Mamba completed (and Chance too)

Here is my Black Mamba Marvel Comics Ultimate version, from a resin copy of Mistyque. Hope you get all passages, steps by steps, and appreciated this work. Black Mamba is now waiting for her new location to be displayed.

Next is Chance, also finished.
About Chance (courtesy of Wikipedia):

Wealthy former professional gambler, Nicholas Powell was looking for more thrill in his life. He decides to become a mercenary criminal-for-hire, incorporating his love of gambling into his work. Anyone who hires him would, instead of directly paying, bet his fee against him actually completing the mission. If Powell, calling himself Chance, is successful, he receives his fee; if not, he lost the "bet" and owes that amount to his contractors. The thrill of this risk was the only way in which Chance felt the work was truly interesting. (...)

Both figures realized using Magic Sculp White.

Black Mamba tutorial 7

Painting goes on, together with Chance..

sabato 29 settembre 2012

Black Mamba Tutorial 6

Just started painting, and a picture together with the others!

Penance and Chance

Penance, Chance, Black Mamba and Ashema are now ready for final painting..
Wrist Lasers added to Chance, just drying.
Belts and spines and spikes added to Penance, with high probability to grind a little bit the spikes onthe helmet in order to have a right gradual descensing dimension of the spikes.
Cloudy saturday, sunday doesn't promit to be better... maybe I'll have some hours to complete a couple of them?

Black Mamba tutorial 5

w/o other further comments from John I just took the decision to cancel the gun and put in place the hand open. Fingers are drying, after that I'll add a very little layer of Magic Sculp to fill some space between the fingers in the handbreadth. Then color time! The collar will stay this way.

Some develope onto Penance also, still missing all the spikes and spines:

Just a second skin layer on Ashema:

And last the new entry Chance. I had some residual webs from the other characters that I didn't want to waste, so choose Chance as new character. Still missing wrist-mounted lasers and then ready for painting this char also:

After these requested custom hope to go back on others made from scratch!

giovedì 27 settembre 2012

In reply to John's on Black Mamba 4

Sorry guys, I have to open a new post because I need to post images, nothing new to show... only the reply:

Heya John!

The collar (of Black Mamba) is opened and it is half (left side of the picture) after the hair and half (right side) before the hair.
I thought a lot about this disposal and I was wondering how the effect of hair caressing the skin on the chest could be. I choose so to stay half stick to the images found in the net and half stick to my feeling on how she could appear at final painting.

Let me know your final opinion, meanwhile I'll show here one picture with a red dotted line that is showing how the shape of the zip will appear in case we choose the classical version instead of the 50% version.
If you choose all collar befopre the hair, then I'll cut away the left part of the zip, rebuiild it, remove the left collar part, remove some hair on the left, rebuild the collar on the left and finally rebuild the hair after the new half left collar.
But please concentrate first yourself on hair pending and caressing soft and fresh skin up the chest, and then feel free to chosse. (hihihihihihi!)

Anyway I consider this as minor issue...

About the gun, I spent a lot of time thinking about, as the character you choose as base, Mistyque, is holding the right arm wrist with the left hand.
This hands configuration is specific for those who are grabbing something in the right arm. Mistique is grabbing this gun.

I already customized many times on Mistique base and all the times, even changing position of the arms, I had to put something in her right hand. Please see my customs:
94-Abigail Brand (w gun)
102-Selene (w knife)
111-Araña (w gun)
141-Misty Knight (w gun)
180-Cassandra Romulus (w mask)
228-Caiera (w spear)

It is hard to me imagine that hand's position without anything in the right hand. Why she should hold the right wrist?
So in case we think that a gun is not appropriated then we should rebuild both hands but most important to figure out how to change the hands while maintaining that arms position.
What is your point on this? Let me know please sooner as possible, she is looking forward for a good first shower of painting!! Yes, I consider this a major issue!

Last but not least, personally I think that the sexiest is Hellcat. I choose Hellcat base to realize the Goblin Queen (please see her: 290-Goblin Queen by following the link "See them all!" at the bottom of the blog).
Please comment on this also should be funny, we should start investigating who is the sexiest one in the collection!! :)

mercoledì 26 settembre 2012

Black Mamba tutorial 4

Still some grinding here and there, and then, if I did not forget something, should be ready for painting....

lunedì 24 settembre 2012

Penance, Ashema and Black Mamba

While today Korvus left Italy to go to U.K., here is a snapshot of the progress of the three wips in the subject:

Hope to have some minutes this evening also to give a Magic Sculp kick to all of them...

domenica 23 settembre 2012

Ashema, Penance and Black Mamba

New picture for Ashema progress:

New picture for John's Black Mamba (Serpent Society) Ultimate version:

New picture for pax's Penance wip:

and don't forget to subscribe the contest at

sabato 22 settembre 2012


Ok, good news, I had  a couple of hours to start something....
But first of all, I'm happy to tell that there is a contest for all customizers!!

Many of the italian customizers started the contest number 8.

To take part to this contest it is easy:

1-just write a message to the organizer, choose a character to present, and tell him (in order to avoid doubles)
2-do your work (must be a never seen on the net one, that is: done right for the contest) not later than half of october next coming
3-take a picture of your work and send it to the organizer

Just some limit: the character must be Marvel or DC, not yet issued by official collections of Eaglemoss, rough made or made starting by one of the Eaglemoss characters.

For any other info, just follow the link:

it is in italian language, but for any needs of translation (in case google translator doesn't help) or help to take part or simply vote to the contest just ask me, I'm to (protect and ) serve YOU! ;)

I'll be there! My target is to have at least one preference!! ghghghgh!

Ok, Ashema is going on. Face still missing....

I continued Black Mamba for John from Mistyque, as he kinldy requested (gratis as I dunno sell customs)

Started the character for the contest, but I cannot post any picture of it until the end of the contest of course!!
Started Penance for Franco, of course gratis, for friendship and kindness to one of the best customizers around the net

Last but not least... Korvus goes to London! As Umb requested. Umb wanted to pay for this custom, but as said many times I'm not selling those. So the only way to have a fan happy and me mantaining my promise, is... to send him free! But believe me, I'm absolutely happy this way.

sabato 15 settembre 2012

ROM completed

Ok, I think its over now.

Next steps: Black Mamba, Ashema and Penance.

Added ico version for ROM:

R.O.M. progress 8

I just gave a Titan (metalizer) layer, plus a black wash layer, followed by a two layers hand of silver and a final layer of stain. Painted some red spot. This is how it comes today. I think a couple of paint shots more and the base to be painted black before to go on the next work!

giovedì 13 settembre 2012

R.O.M. progress 7

Here is the present progress for R.O.M. and Ashema.
Also the new corrective actions on both. Really thinking to cut and replace Ashema legs as they appear bad on picture. Probably I'll try a tentative to avoid the cut and just correct.
Meanwhile R.O.M. is going on. I painted with a gray layer in order to avoid flash light disturbing on white color of the figure. A lot of smooth grinding in the next days.

giovedì 6 settembre 2012

R.O.M. progress 6

Ok I had a interview at BBC about this progress of R.O.M., here following a brief synthesis of main Questions and Answers:

BBC Q: Hi, R.O.M. is wearing gloves, typical snow gloves, why are you shaping fingers?
ME A: Uh?! OH?! Dunno...

BBC Q: What the hell is that stuff on the back of R.O.M.? Do you have any picture of the Back-Bag?
ME A: OH?! Uh?! I Think not...

BBC Q:  Your R.O.M. looks like someone put a mop up his  (BEEP!-CENSORED), and his eyes seems like scared, terrified. Why?
ME A: OH?! Uh?! Heya Larry, try to look in the mirror your eyes how they appear next time someone poke a mop in your (BEEP!-CENSORED)

Ok Ok I admit it was not that successful...
It really seems ROM doesn't have any finger to show, so just gloves.... This is the first thing to correct. About the Jet on the back, or the BackBag, or JetBAgBack, or JettLagg, whaterver the stuff is that, I found some picture for reference...
I shaped the head, something to be corrected also, as it seems slightly little.

lunedì 3 settembre 2012

R.O.M. progress 5

started finishing with White Magic Sculp. Evidence in the other picture of the corrections to be applied at next stage.
Finally also a light update on Ashema. I'm starting thinking that probably Black Racer is more interesting character than Ash, by the way a promise is a promise...

domenica 2 settembre 2012

R.O.M. progress 3

Slowly adding some flash and shape to R.O.M. and at the end of the page some progress after correcting first shape of Ashema.

 Just had to attach R.O.M. to a base otherwise impossible to start shaping is feet!
Ashema progress. I think now legs appear fine, next step is starting shaping hands and feet.
Everything in this page is green Milliput.