Sunday, July 22, 2012

My two last Eaglemoss customs: 299 and 300.

Here the story ends. Too many space for more than 500 miniatures in my home, I need a bigger boat!
So The decision to stop at number 300, that I'm introducing now.

What will be the future of my hobby?

Surely I got about 30 old customs I would like to revive, correct and renew. I'll publish them one by one.
I got three requests for customs now, of course free, as I don't sell my customs. They are three special friends can't say no.

Later, after summer time, I'll start sculpting 100% from zero to final painting. It will take a lot of time and will be a long way to run, so much to learn. But I'll show often progress of the new creations, so stay tuned, Avengers Assemble!!

Number 299 - Conan

Custom number 300 : Hawkeye Girl


  1. ...e sei arrivato alla 300! Complimenti davvero per la tua opera titanica oltre che molto bella!!!

  2. You have some very beautiful work. Is there any way I can please hire you to make some customs for me?

  3. Thanks Jhon for apreciating. Unfortunately I don't sell customs, it remains a hobby to me and I think there are much more quoted "customizers" able to do it better than me ;)


  4. Everybody has their strengths. I've seen some customizers do a 'better' version of certain characters than you, but looking at Kate Bishop there... now I couldn't imagine asking anyone else. Armadillo and some others fall along the same lines. You're good.

    But I respect your decision. Thank you for answering anyway. :D

  5. Let me try to entice you one more time, just in case, as you've hit 300 and might be looking for an excuse to find new ways to practice your work. I'll tell you the characters you've made that I'd like, maybe some suggestions on how to make them differently so you wouldn't get bored. I'll check back here for about a month to see if you've changed your mind before I go on to other customizers, but I would really like you. :D If its still a no, again, I totally respect that. No worries. And I'll say one last time, your work is amazing.

    Kate Bishop
    Black Mamba (from Mystique)
    Headsman (I literally stopped scrolling and said "wow" out loud.)
    3D Man
    Awesome Android
    Hogan & Fandrall
    The Hood (from Hitman)
    Swarm (from Raven. I have an extra)
    Red Ghost
    Warlock (you have one of the few successful ones I've seen.)

    If you're not looking to repeat a character, I have a list of 88 characters I'd like to have custom made.

    (Obviously I wouldn't want all of them. I don't have the money. But we could pick out who you'd like.)

  6. Thanks again John!
    I said I will not sell custom, but I did not say that I wouldn't do one for free, right?

    So we can exchange a favour as a way of trading.
    You will share with me here your list of characters unsorted, that is not issued by Eaglemoss and (please if possible... I already have to do the third copy of Penance for a friend after summer... SOB! :) ) not already made by me. And you choose one, the one you would like to have it.

    In change I'll do it for you the one you choose, and I'll saend it to you for free.
    It sounds a good compromise to me, doesn't it?

    Please just consider that I'm going away for summer time with my wife and son and be back only at the end of august, so there will be some weeks to wait.

    This is the only way you could try to persuade me, please don't even try to talk about payment or post office costs to refund.
    As said, this is a hobby to me. With the blog I only wanted to share with kind people like you our comments about this works.

    Thanks again for your sincerely very apreciated comments.


  7. Wow. Thank you!

    Let me break these down in a few categories so you can find what you'd like to do the most or if something sparks some creativity in you. And sorry if I forget and list something you've already made... you've made so many! Haha

    Rocket Racer
    Slapstick (I'm thinking from Impossible Man)

    Jim Hammond (no fire)
    Mr. Immortal
    Nemesis (Alpha Flight vol. 3. Very cool, deadpool-ish outfit.)
    Kangaroo II (with hair like Ape-Beast or Wolverine.)


    I was looking through my lists and you've made more than I thought off my list. So here's the ones I wanted the most, if you see something you'd like to try. After you choose, we can talk about pose and costume. I can send you references if you want.
    ^^I'll delete this after I get your email. ;)

    I'm an art teacher. Would you accept a drawing? Something I could either send or just scan to you? (If not, I swear that's the last time I bring up a 'payment.')

    1. Yes! Done, I just have sent you a email, so you can cancel here your e.mail address if you want. Thanks again.

      Please absolutely scan and send me a by e-mail a drawing! That would be great! Thanks a lot!

  8. Though its honestly one of the ones you've already done that I want so much. Would you consider doing it a different way as doing a new character?

    I think Black Mamba would look amazing based on Mystique.

    And then Hogan, Rage, Kate Bishop, Sunspot and Headsman are all Perfect. And I just cannot get over Armadillo.

    Anyway, haha, a thousand pieces of praise your way for a job very well done. :D

    1. Ok, it will be Black Mamba.
      I'll start at the end of august. Probably doing a couple of B.Mamba, one from Mistique and another one totally new in parallel..... we'll see...

  9. Bravo sei arrivato a 300 e hai fatto tanti bei lavori, molti personaggi non li conosco come sai ma sono fatti con tale cura che meriterebbero a pieno titolo di entrare nella marvel collection, spero solo che il ragiungimento del traguardo delle 300 custom non ti faccia fermare, io penso di no perchè in te la passione e la "forza" ( tipo star wars) sono troppo potenti :-)

    1. ghghghghgh!!
      Foto.... se avessi spazio.... è solo per una questione di spazio....
      Non mi fermerò, ma devo cambiare approccio.... da settembre cambio materiale, passo al Pro Sculpt Grey a cottura, per cui non dovrò più modellare in fretta nei ritagli di tempo libero etc... etc...
