Sunday, July 22, 2012

298 - Alkhema

Courtesy of Wikipedia:
Alkhema was constructed by Ultron-13 as his second attempt to create a mate, based on the brain patterns of Mockingbird (Bobbi Morse). In the end she ultimately betrayed Ultron to the Avengers West Coast. Where she is different from Ultron, she desired to kill all humans individually rather than en masse. She first went up against the Avengers shortly after being constructed, when she attacked a weapons center. She was defeated but escaped. She later would go on to betray Ultron. After a recent defeat of Ultron, she salvaged the set of brain patterns based after Hank Pym, Wasp, Vision, Wonder Man, Scarlet Witch and the Grim Reaper from the rubble of Ultron’s Slorenian base, where she built her Robos, War Toys and Bio-Synthezoids. However, she was seemingly destroyed at Thebes when Hawkeye fired an "anti-metal" arrow into her.


  1. Skif hello! that prolific! I did not know this character. very nice, full details of well-managed. fantastic! (fuzz) .... I must go and read this comic. in that number is? thank you!

  2. Thanks B&S, my first time I read about her was on a colletction just issued here in Italy some months ago before the movie Avengers.
    The collection was from the serie Ultron Unlimited. Try "The evil triumphant!" - the Avengers 22, november 1999.
