Free Marvels now.

Free Marvels now.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

New Marvel Comics custom figure: Imperial Guard Earthquake

 Hi fellows, time for another custom, Earthquake directly from the Imperial Guard. 

Custom number 481... OMG!

If you want so see the video of the making of Earthquake just follow the link!

Friday, March 7, 2025

New Marvel Comics e-Customs to add your CMFC that would never have been published


Hi fellows, please take a look at my page on Cults3D, here is the list of recently added character to enlarge your Marvel Comis Figurine Collection that Eaglemoss would have never published:



Dora Milaje

Cancer (from Zodiacus team)



Miss Sinister

Silver Fox

Iron Maiden

Shalla Baal

Angar the screamer

Kristalyn Ogada




Sister and Brother Sun

Maximilian Zaran

and last Omega Sentinel.

If you love your CMFC you can't miss those. Of course everything is for free to download.

Only at SKIF_MC 3D models


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Marvel Comics custom Spider Ham

 Freshly new in the collection!

and the video making Spider Ham from my YouTube Channel

Marvel Comics custom White Vision

 Hi fellows,

it is very easy to find a Marvel Comic Vision STL file in internet ready for printing and long time ago, when I was at the beginning of the transition to the e-sculpting and e-customizing I choose this cheap version of Vision for print.

Definitely at today I would choose a different one, due to the variery of figures you can find around, or eventually after many months training with modelling softwares (I specially use SculptGL online for free and 3DCad for the cut and merge of my e-customs) I can say I would custom my own one strating from a male base figure.

But...  I am still painting the first wave of figures I print last year and still have many many to oaint now on, so that's it!

Here is White Vision from your friendly Skif

And here is the video of the making from my Youtube channel, enjoy!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

A gladiator but not the Marvel one...

Dear all, about 9 years ago I bought this gladiator from White Models but have never been able to paint it.

It was time before the long stop I had (5 years without blogging).

Many things changed since then, couple of years ago I  heard about these 3d printers that were going to be responsible for the slow declining of the modellers and I though it was not yet the time to quit for me.

I started printing and painting 3d models to increase the Classic Marvel Figurine Collection of the former Eaglemoss, and I still have about 50 of them printed and ready to be customized with green Milliput and a lot of passion.

Since months I also started customizing STL files in order to produce my own STL models to be printed, avoiding in this way to put hands on Milliputs again.

Recently I started even e-modelling from scratch,  and I have to say I am really enthusiastic with this!

Still 50 Marvel and Xcom figures already printed and waiting to be customized or painted, and about other 80 figures Marvel and Xcom already e-modelled and waiting to be printed.... You can find all of them in my Cults3D page.

But before say a final goodbye to the old lead style of painting and modelling I was having this old lead model and I wanted to finish this job, started 9 years ago... the last òead model to me.

Not a Marvel.... nota a X-Com.... but I hope you like it anyway!

P.S.: you will not find it in the Marvel nor X-Com galleries.... It doesn't match with them at all!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Last added: Angar the screamer


Not that difficult...: follow the link below and download for free (as usual here) your CMFC's Angar the screamer.

Print it, add the Eaglemoss base, and last.... paint your own new addition to the never ending collection.


Link for download: Angar the screamer STL file

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

What you can find new on my Cults3D page

Dear followers (if any...), I did not have time to post new painted works in the last 3 weeks because I am at the moment focused into my 3D modelling custom works.

I hope you will find a good new the fact that directly from my Cults3D page you can download 100% the followings characters (Marvel and Xcom) that I haven't yet printed but I guess sooner or later I'll do...

Please take a look and give you a favor by printing in 1/20 scale all those characters to enlarge your Eaglemoss classic Marvel Figurine Collection!

Fu Manchu

Xcom Chimera Squad Team member (Xcom)

Scarlet Centurion


Cassandra Nova

Doc Savage


Cottonmouth Cornell Stokes



Glenn Talbot


Valeria Richards

Scorpion (Carmilla Black)




Missing Link


Fever Pitch


Dino Manelli



Lorelay Travis

Aero Melody Guthrie

Collective Man








Madame Menace


The Gardener

Aelfric the Mad Monk

XCOM soldier 3 (Xcom)

XCOM soldier 2 (Xcom)

XCOM soldier 1 (Xcom)

Raymond Cocker


Wild Child

Wrait Brian De Wolff

She Thing Sharon Ventura_

Spiderman Miles Morales

X-Com Catherine (Xcom)


Adam Unit Zero

Man Killer

Tower, Edward Pasternak


Gorilla Man Arthur Nagan


Skylark (Linda Lewis)



Wind Dancer

Kree soldier


Eye boy

Moira Mc Taggert

Fool Killer



Xcom soldier girl (Xcom)

Omega Sentinel

Brother Sun


Xcom Sergeant Matthew Grisham (Xcom)




Krystalin Ogada

If you have any suggestion for characters to be added in the collection that I haven't yet customized (nearly impossible, but... embrace the challenge!!!) ...please just leave a comment here below. All suggestions are welcome.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Skif Marvel Custom The Grandmaster


Another figure that sadly was not published by Eaglemoss in the CMFC. 

Here I pay the right tribute to this controversial villain!

Check out Youtube for the video of the making: