Saturday, July 6, 2024

Marvel Comics custom: Golden Girl

 Thanks Tony Lewis OMU:

(...) Thus, after a brief period of intensive training, Ross donned a green-and-gold costume and went into action as the Golden Girl, causing a sensation in the press. Lavender and her gang were quickly captured. Not long afterward, Golden Girl accompanied Captain America on a mission into an alien dimension. As the pair faced many perils together, Ross became quite intimate with Mace, who had served in the wartime Liberty Legion as the Patriot before taking over as Captain America. Before long, they surrendered to the sexual tension that boiled over from their life of thrills and danger and began a torrid love affair.

After about two years, Betsy Ross decided to retire her costumed identity. Never entirely comfortable in the role of superheroine, she also realized that, as she was now in her early 30s, she wanted to settle down and have a family. Soon after, Mace gave up being Captain America and the two were married. They moved to Boston, where he resumed his career as a newspaper reporter and she became a housewife. (...)

If you like you can watch the 4D view in the gallery and the brief video Making Golden Girl. 

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