Friday, May 10, 2024

Put the customs in a tube


Some months ago I set a group of targets for my hobby:

1-Revive the blog after years of inactivity (done)

2-Extend to X-Com custom figures (done... and believe me: more aliens and team member are planned!)

3-Correct all the galleries as pictures were missing due to the shutdown of several hosts  (done)

4-Start with new Marvel Comics custom figures (that's why we are here... aren't we? (done)

5-Add new available technologies to this hobby (done, I mean 3D printing possibilities)

6-Start a video channel (mmmhh... not yet?!)

I am glad to announce my first video attempt on Youtube. Probably one of the worst videos you ever seen on Youtube... but the beginning is always a shock for everyone!

If you want, if you like, give a look:

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