Monday, October 16, 2023

X-COM X-COM 2 : Central Officer John Bradford


Central Officer John Bradford is the Executive Officer attached to XCOM during XCOM: Enemy Unknown and XCOM 2. He reports to the Commander and often confers with Dr. Shen and Dr. Vahlen. Bradford is frequently referred to by, and answers to, the callsign "Central". 

courtesy of: 

Custom work from a 90 mm (1/20 scale) Marvel Comics Agent Venom figure by using Green Milliput for added parts (knife, gun, head, pockets and backpack).

Painted with Citadel Grey, Green, Ground Green, Black and Nuln Oil, and with Vallejo silver metal, gun metal, pale flash, arctic white.

Base is made of Magic Scuplt.

Hope you like this figure and hope you will visit the same figure in 4D by clicking the link at the X-COM Custom Figurine Gallery on the right of this page (in web viewer mode).  

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