Monday, October 23, 2023

X-COM Custom Figure: Assault Mech ; Captain Alejandro Fernandez Gonzalez


Good day folks!

A new memeber of the Team Menace 1-5 is ready.

We have the first XCOM Mech. 

My son decided the color: metal black, so that's the way he is.

His card:

Name: Alejandro

Surname: Fernández González

Sex: M

Nationality: Spanish

Age: 44

Rank: Captain

Class: Assault

And don't forget to visit the complete X-COM Custom Figure gallery!


Friday, October 20, 2023

XCOM Custom Figure Avatar


Here we go with a new figure, made starting from a copy of Marvel Comics Spiderman and customized with Green Milliput. Painted with Vallejo.

As Tygan said...: "Commander, I believe we are seeing something entirely alien species that has so far managed to elude capture or observation by resistance forces. I strongly advise a cautious approach" (Courtesy of )

As usual you can see the complete 4D of this miniature in my XCOM Custom Figure Gallery by clicking on the banner on your right.


Monday, October 16, 2023

X-Com Colonel "Skif", Sniper Team Menace 1-5


Sorry for the double post on the same day, but it's worth it... yes because the new member of XCOM Team Menace 1-5 is a sniper and he's a bit autobiographical. 😀😀😀😀

When playing the game I always name a sniper "Skif". I usually play with two snipers and at least two Mechs, one Ranger and 1 Shiv...

Doesn't matter the armor, but two snipers is my way of Xcoming to the game!

Sooo... here we have his card:

Name: known as "Skif"

Surname: unknown

Sex: M

Nationality: ITA

Age: 54

Rank: Colonel

Class: Sniper

Don't forget to visit him 4D-imensionally at the XCOM Custom Figure Gallery in this blog.

And stay tuned for the last ride that is running for the last dozen of issues:

Team Menace 1-5 Support (in progress)

Team Menace 1-5 Mech Trooper (in progress)

Enemy troops Codex

Advent Commander


Advent Oplita

Exalt member 2

Enemy Troops Avatar (in progress)

Advent Stun Lancer (in progress)

Team Menace 1-5: member 7 Mech (in progress)

Team Menace 1-5: member 8 Psionic

Enemy troops Muton

After the last one I'll be back to Marvel Comics Customs, my primary scope for this blog, but I could also consider some XCOM Custom suggestions from you guys, if you think that I forgot some characters that should be in this collection.... in case, please share your opinion in the comments.


X-COM X-COM 2 : Central Officer John Bradford


Central Officer John Bradford is the Executive Officer attached to XCOM during XCOM: Enemy Unknown and XCOM 2. He reports to the Commander and often confers with Dr. Shen and Dr. Vahlen. Bradford is frequently referred to by, and answers to, the callsign "Central". 

courtesy of: 

Custom work from a 90 mm (1/20 scale) Marvel Comics Agent Venom figure by using Green Milliput for added parts (knife, gun, head, pockets and backpack).

Painted with Citadel Grey, Green, Ground Green, Black and Nuln Oil, and with Vallejo silver metal, gun metal, pale flash, arctic white.

Base is made of Magic Scuplt.

Hope you like this figure and hope you will visit the same figure in 4D by clicking the link at the X-COM Custom Figurine Gallery on the right of this page (in web viewer mode).  

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Some old Marvel custom re-pictured for the galleries

As I said some post ago, my intention is to put in order the Marvel Custom Figurine Galleries, as many of the pictures, specially of the first age of custom, disappeared or get lost. 

I start with a re-post of my first ten "customs to recover"...

You will find them here and of course the 4D in the galleries.


248-American Son

269-Black Tarantula

282-Clay Quartermain S.H.I.E.L.D.




288-Red Shift

118-Scourge / Nuke (Thunderbolts)

205-Princess Zarda (Power Princess)


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

X-COM custom figure 1/20: dr. Richard Tygan .....and..... X-COM Enemy troops: Seeker


Ciao dear followers,

here we go with other two figures that I hope you like it!

I am talking about dr Tygan....

and the Seeker!


You fill find the 4D of both of them in the dedicate gallery XCOM figurine collection (right banner in this blog).

See you soon!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

X-COM custom figure: Berserker


Enjoy this beast! Custom from a PVC figure of Marvel character Rhino.

And don't forget to visit my X-COM figurine gallery to see the 4D vision of the Berserker and all the other customs of XCOM that I already published.

Your Skif

Monday, October 2, 2023

X-COM Advent Mech figure


Here we go with the Advent Mech troop.

Not properly a custom being a 100% scratch built.

And don't forget to see the whole 4D of the Advent Mech figure in the dedicated gallery!

Have fun!