Wednesday, September 6, 2023

XCOM : the S.H.I.V. and the alien Gate Keeper

Gentlemen I have finished two other XCOM custom miniatures.

The first is the S.H.I.V. and the second is the Gate Keeper.

The S.H.I.V. (Super Heavy Infantry Vehicle) is a weapons platform in XCOM: Enemy Unknown that can be manufactured in the Engineering Lab. S.H.I.V.s can be deployed as substitutes for human soldiers on missions and require a space in the XCOM HQ barracks. (Courtesy of )

S.H.I.V. is the "must have" member of your Team Menace 1-5 when you have a crowded infirmary!

You can see as usual the complete 4D of the S.H.I.V. by clicking the banner to the XCOM gallery on the right side of the blog.
I used a Steyr RSO/01 model from De Agostini for this custom:

Maybe you can identify the parts added, the scratch built ones and the used also. Maybe...

The second XCOM custom figure is the alien's Gate Keeper.
One of the worst enemies to face in your battles due to the number of hits requested to beat it!

This XCOM custom is a 100% scratch built. Some pictures are here, the 4D at the link of the gallery.

And the reference picture, courtesy of :

Hope you like it as I do ;)

Stay tuned, new XCOM figures are coming soon, Archon, Viper and Exalt troop are on the way!!!

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