Friday, July 7, 2023

X-Com: Thin Man. Sectoid and Floater


The Thin Man :

I cut off the wrists, too long and too large.

I filed down the sleeves of the jacket because they were actually too wide. I made the Thin Man thinner, he was too thick to be a real Thin Man...

Added the tie and the collar of the shirt. I fixed the neck and filed the shoes.

A part, I'm preparing the sunglasses... a very microscopic ones... hopefuly this evening I can try to add to the face.

Here is a general view of the three charcters.

Specific picture for the Floater : added the breathing tube, and worked separately on the hands. Now I have to think of a way to make the idea that he is floating, nor am I thinking of a support made with super transparent two-component epoxy resin, will see....

I had to work specially on one feet of the Sectoid which pose was absolutely unnatural. Finally he gots his hands and a gun (on top of right arm).
I added the eyes. 

I am still unsatisfied about the fingers of the right foot that appear too rigid compared to the general pose, maybe it would be better to give to the final part of the foot (the fingers) at least a frontal bend like if  as if only the final part of the foot were supported in the act of taking a step, while the heel could remain raised with respect to the toes.

In general, perhaps to make it more similar to the image from which I started, I could think of a modification by rotating the entire right leg outwards. But this would be a very invasive change!

I hope you like it, see you soon on next X-Com progress!

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