Monday, July 24, 2023

Oh baby! I wanna X-com!

Good morning dear followers.

Over the weekend I was able to complete the last two jobs scheduled for the alien team.

Introducing the Chryssalid and the Floater!

First step is giving a dark primer to Chryssalid

The second step is to add color where it is necessary to highlight the details:

The last step is the coat of color shading, the accentuation of the details that must stand out, and finally the washing, in this case performed with Citadel Nuln Oil and with a Brown Flash Wash again Citadel

Ugly baby!

And now we come to the Floater, same color sequence. What changes compared to the Chryssalid is only the fact that there is a massive use of silver, aluminum and gunmetal.

And remember that if you need more information on how I paint my miniatures you can find it either in the Tutorials part or you can go directly to the painting pages of the "Immortal Man" miniature in the Marvel Comics characters section.

Primer (black) and coating stripe (aluminium and silver):


First shade with Nuln Oil wash:

Final wash with Nuln Oil. Final also for the gun (White Italeri, Black Citadel, Yellow Model Color, and a layer of Radiant Yellow from Hikari on the Yellow from Model Color). Also painted the reactors on his back with Red Italeri, Radiant Yellow Hikari, and Orange color obtained by mixing the Red and Radiant Yellow. 

I hope you like the final result for these two new figures. They are already close to the perviously made three ones. 

And they are now waiting for the fight! 
Infact Menace 1-5 Team is already on its way to come up, here is your sneak preview of the Team building.... six teammates, three women and three men. Stay tuned, they will be here soon! 

Have a nice day, my dear follower!


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