Sunday, December 23, 2012

Delilah Dearborn

Delilah "Dee Dee" Dearborn was a student at Empire State University who gains superhuman powers from an accident with a gamma accelerator at the school. Doc Samson mistakes her for a murderer and they fight. 

She later helps him track and confront the real killer.
Geiger is seen at the military base Camp Hammond, as an official recruit for the Initiative, which is a super-human military draft. She is introduced to Camp Hammond along with Ant-Man, Crusader,Melee, 

Geldoff, Dragon Lord, Red Nine, and Diamondback.
She was one of the trainees that attacked KIA and were defeated.
Following the events of Secret Invasion, Geiger graduated from the Initiative and was assigned to New Mexico's Initiative team the Mavericks.


  1. Ciao Skif!!! bella stà figliola... non la conoscevo e noto che è anche un po osè!! bravo! un saluto e... come stà il piccolo airwalker? (fuzz)

  2. Ciao Skif, noto, con grande attenzione da un po' ormai, che realizzi delle belle donne, le realizzi molto bene, da poco avvezzo a quest'arte della customizzazione, mi permetto di dirti, comunque, che secondo me è difficile rendere belle minie con soggetti femminili, beh... tu ci riesci molto bene!

  3. thanks thanks!
    il piccolo Airwalker viene su bene e assorbe tutto il tempo libero, per cui poche custom e tanti pannolini!! ghghghghgh||
