Thursday, September 6, 2012

R.O.M. progress 6

Ok I had a interview at BBC about this progress of R.O.M., here following a brief synthesis of main Questions and Answers:

BBC Q: Hi, R.O.M. is wearing gloves, typical snow gloves, why are you shaping fingers?
ME A: Uh?! OH?! Dunno...

BBC Q: What the hell is that stuff on the back of R.O.M.? Do you have any picture of the Back-Bag?
ME A: OH?! Uh?! I Think not...

BBC Q:  Your R.O.M. looks like someone put a mop up his  (BEEP!-CENSORED), and his eyes seems like scared, terrified. Why?
ME A: OH?! Uh?! Heya Larry, try to look in the mirror your eyes how they appear next time someone poke a mop in your (BEEP!-CENSORED)

Ok Ok I admit it was not that successful...
It really seems ROM doesn't have any finger to show, so just gloves.... This is the first thing to correct. About the Jet on the back, or the BackBag, or JetBAgBack, or JettLagg, whaterver the stuff is that, I found some picture for reference...
I shaped the head, something to be corrected also, as it seems slightly little.

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