Saturday, September 22, 2012


Ok, good news, I had  a couple of hours to start something....
But first of all, I'm happy to tell that there is a contest for all customizers!!

Many of the italian customizers started the contest number 8.

To take part to this contest it is easy:

1-just write a message to the organizer, choose a character to present, and tell him (in order to avoid doubles)
2-do your work (must be a never seen on the net one, that is: done right for the contest) not later than half of october next coming
3-take a picture of your work and send it to the organizer

Just some limit: the character must be Marvel or DC, not yet issued by official collections of Eaglemoss, rough made or made starting by one of the Eaglemoss characters.

For any other info, just follow the link:

it is in italian language, but for any needs of translation (in case google translator doesn't help) or help to take part or simply vote to the contest just ask me, I'm to (protect and ) serve YOU! ;)

I'll be there! My target is to have at least one preference!! ghghghgh!

Ok, Ashema is going on. Face still missing....

I continued Black Mamba for John from Mistyque, as he kinldy requested (gratis as I dunno sell customs)

Started the character for the contest, but I cannot post any picture of it until the end of the contest of course!!
Started Penance for Franco, of course gratis, for friendship and kindness to one of the best customizers around the net

Last but not least... Korvus goes to London! As Umb requested. Umb wanted to pay for this custom, but as said many times I'm not selling those. So the only way to have a fan happy and me mantaining my promise, is... to send him free! But believe me, I'm absolutely happy this way.


  1. Questo sopra con lo spadone è proprio bello! cosa è un manga? e anche la signora in abito da sera procede bene complimenti!

    1. Thanks Foto!
      no manga! Solo Marvel! Costui è Korvus degli Shi'Ar!

  2. azz....altro sconosciuto....:)))) però devo ammettere che è molto bello davvero!
