Sunday, March 18, 2012

U-Man, Meranno !!!

Courtesy of Wikipedia:
The character Meranno first appears in the title Invaders, and like hero Namor the Sub-Mariner is a member of the Atlantean race, Homo mermanus. It is revealed in flashback that Meranno despised Namor when they were children, and in adulthood allies himself with Nazi Germany. Still consumed with hatred for Namor, the character reveals the location of the city of Atlantis to the German forces, who destroy the Atlantean fleet and place the then Emperor Thakorr in a coma. Thakorr is succeeded by Namor, who banishes Meranno from Atlantis for treason.
Meranno adopts the alias of U-Man, and willingly submits to Nazi procedures that increase his size and strength.

U-Man reappears in the title Invaders under the mental control of Japanese spy Lady Lotus, and battles teen group the Kid Commandos and the Invaders and joins the Nazi group Super-Axis for a final confrontation with the superhero team. The Super-Axis, consisting of former Invaders foes Master Man; U-Man; the original Baron Blood and Warrior Woman.

Here is the U-Man! Hope you like!

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