Friday, January 20, 2012

A.I.M. (2)

I disagree the choice of EM avoiding issues of unnamed characters as memeber of Hydra or A.I.M., watchdogs, The Hand etc..
I think Hydra and A.I.M. become extremely popular between the Marvel Ccomics readers, can't imagine Cap without the Hydra, even appeared in the recent movie from mainscreen. For this reason made my own custom forthe collection of 1 a.I.M. member, many Hydra's (Baron Von Strucker, a group of three Hydras with a stendard and even the one shoot appeared Cassandra Romulis..) and 1 Watchdog's soldier.

Many times though to figure out how realize a member of the Ninja group called The Hand, recently passionating me in my readings of Dare Devil. Maybe in another life..

Satisfied with the numbers of Hydras I made, I still wanted another A.I.M. member at least to stay close to my Modok (customized it in unsuspected times before Eaglemoss deceided to release his acrual wonderful issue, maybe one of the best specials in the official collection).

The idea was to have an doing something with some stuff, probably a big wooden box with some strange weapon or advanced invention inside...

First I realized the iron shape, already shown in some previous post, dare if you recognize it!
Then sculpted his body, arms, legs and clothes (mixing white and green milliput).
Then prepared the wooden box  (Fimo).
Finally the shoes and gloves (green milliput).

So this night I realized that was impossible for him to take this box in his hands if not by playing a trick using some ropes around the wooden box. I made the ropes with green milliput a bit of magic sculpt (MS doesn't creep easily as milliput tends to do).

The stuff is drying (the stuff under the box is just a temporary bracket to support it whil drying), tomorrow I'll have to separate the box from the figure in order finish the A.I.M. member (corrections and fine grinding). The idea is to paint both separately and after re-join with some Attack drops and a final retouch of paint on the joints.

Hope you like it. Comments welcoma... have a good night!!

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