Monday, November 18, 2024

Recently added: Sharon Ventura Marvel Comics e-custom

 Hi gentlemen,

I recently added my e-custom version of Sharon Ventura, hope you like her!

You can download for free at Sharon Ventura and make your own custom... or you can wait in the next months for my custom of Sharon printed and painted joining Eaglemoss collection ;)

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Still growing the STL Marvel Comics 3D figures Custom collection (Eaglemoss format)

Sorry for a couple of weeks of silence here... but I'm slowly moving into the new home and all my stuff for sculpting and painting is still in a box waiting to see the sunlight again.

In the meantime I am still able to elaborate some STL, take a look at my Cults web page for your download and print 100% free. All I do is for free, this is just a hobby to me, I simply love to share for those few survivors that still believe that the Eaglemoss Marvel Comics figure collection should continue forever :)


Sunset Bain (Madame Menace)


The Gardener

Aelfric, the mad monk

and last is Raymond Coker, a villain werewolf foe of  the Werewolf seen in Werewolf by Night N°18 on June 01, 1974. Have fun downloading, printing and painting, and probably adding the Eaglemosslike base...