Monday, November 30, 2015

Asgardian Knight #3 Odino's Elite Defense Warrior

A paint from a Pegaso 90mm Miniature on a resin copy of Eaglemoss base. Perfectly fits into the collection!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Asgardian Knight #2

No Eaglemoss custom, simply a paint of a metal copy of a knight moved on a Marvel Eaglemoss base (resin copy):

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Ok, here I continue with a snapshot from this progress called "untitled"....

I just polished all the body and I'm going to sculpt on face and hands. Some black marked parts to be eliminated for better proportions...

I also had some brief free time for a quick repaint of Vertigo and also for the fighting between The Executioneer and Fandrall....

I did not like Vertigo right hand, this was practically without fingers because the damaged mold, so I had to reconstruct the 5 fingers. More... I wanted a less brilliant color for the hair and a darker color for the eyes, that's all.

On the other hand I love my diorama with The Executioneer (from Eaglemoss Hulk) and Fandrall (from  Eaglemoss Namor) but The Exdecutioneer skin was un-watchable same as the opaque colour of his clothes, now repainted and washed with dark shade Citadel blue. Different green colours also for Fandrall: dark shade green as well gloss light green on his new clothes.
Hope you like the changes.


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Untitled 3

Hi gents,

slow proceeding but still alive and kicking... I'm still working on this half-female character, probably already giving some indication who's she... just another "must have" character in our beloved Marvel collection...

In the meanwhile please consider a jump on GEMR blog site by the banner on the left.
It worths when you're a incredibly romantic collector! (of everything!!)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Regan Wyngarde as Lady Mastermind

Courtesy of Wikipedia:

Lady Mastermind is a fictional supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe. She first appeared as Regan Wyngarde in X-Treme X-Men #6 (December 2001) and was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Salvador Larroca.

Regan Wyngarde is the daughter of Jason Wyngarde, the original Mastermind. Her half-sisters are Martinique Jason, the second Mastermind, who now shares her codename, and the X-Men's Pixie. Like her sister and father, Regan possesses the ability to cast telepathic illusions. Although the character originally appeared as a villain, she would later have a brief stint as an X-Man. A short time after joining, she betrayed the X-Men.
Customized from a Ma.K. female pilot figure:


Friday, September 11, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fear Itself Crossover: Nazi Mech Artillery

Ok, here we go with a... patchwork from many broken toys taken from my son and used to custom a machinery inspired by the nazi army lead by Sin, daughter of the Red Skull, in the corssover Fear Itself from Marvel Comics.

This is the secon machinery from this saga I'm displaying.


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Laurie, Norah Winters, Arclight

Courtesy of Marvel Wiki:
Laurie Tromette was always told she was incredibly bright and excelled in academics. Her mother wanted her to become a doctor, but she was too scared of hospitals.
She once got in trouble, while in high school: Her friend Melanie got her to hang out with some "cool kids" who were racing cars. Trying to fit in, Laurie raced as well but lost control, and Melanie was wounded, barely surviving. Laurie lost both her friendship with her, and the trust of her parents.
After graduation, Laurie moved to Vancouver, Canada, to attend college. At nineteen years old, without warning, her X-Gene activated, and her body started undergoing a painful change. Her hair started falling out, her bones hurt, and her skin became hard, blue and cold. She hid herself away, and spent days in a confused panic.
She was located by the X-Men using Cerebra.[7] The X-Men sent Iceman and Angel to watch over her from afar. Finally, the pain became too great, and Laurie decided to kill herself by jumping off a tall building. The X-Men arrived on the scene, along with Hope Summers, who was returning from her trip to Alaska to discover her roots. Laurie threw herself off the roof, and Hope jumped after her, grabbing her in midair. Once in physical contact with Hope, Laurie's mutation completed itself. She manifested blue skin, facial markings, and the power of flight. Also, the clothes she was wearing mysteriously disappeared. She felt instantly better, like a brand new person. She committed herself to following Hope Summers wherever she went, turning her back on her normal life.

Courtesy of Wikipedia:

Norah Winters is a young reporter who just started out at the Daily Bugle. Her first assignment was with Peter Parker.[1] She was often flirtatious with Peter Parker while they worked together.
Norah and Peter had numerous assignments together, one of them was to expose Norman Osborn as the villain he was during his reign of power in the events of Dark Reign. During this assignment she flirted with a male receptionist at Norman Osborn's headquarters so that Peter could sneak inside Norman's building. Norah was set on exposing Osborn, and did everything in her power to do so. She eventually succeeded. After the events of the Siege on Asgard, Norman Osborn was put to jail. Norah wrote about this and even interviewed Norman Osborn.
Although there was definitely a connection between Norah and Peter, nothing came out of it since she began dating Randy Robertson, son of the Daily Bugle's editor Robbie Robertson.

 Courtesy of Wikipedia:

Arclight first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #210-211 (October–November 1986), and was created by Chris Claremont and John Romita Jr.
The character subsequently appears in X-Factor #10 (November 1986), Thor #373 (November 1986), Power Pack #27 (December 1986), Uncanny X-Men #213 (January 1987), 215 (March 1987), 219 (July 1987), 221-223 (September–October 1987), 240 (January 1989), Captain America #387-392 (July–September 1991), X-Man #13 (March 1996), 18-19 (August–September 1996), Cable Annual 1999, X-Men: The 198-Files (March 2006), X-Men #183 (April 2006), X-Men: The 198 #2-5 (April–July 2006), Civil War: X-Men #3 (November 2006), X-Men #200-203 (August–November 2007), and New X-Men #46 (March 2008).
Walt Simonson said that "when Jon Bogdanove drew Arclight in Power Pack, she had a much different figure than I gave her in X-Factor. But I went back and did a little bit of revision work in my book after I'd seen what John had done."


Monday, July 27, 2015

Spider Girl May Mayday Parker, No Eaglemoss custom, scratch built.

Courtesy of Wikipedia:

Spider-Girl (May "Mayday" Parker) is a superheroine in Marvel Comics' MC2 universe. The character was created by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz as the teenage daughter of Peter Parker (Spider-Man) and Mary Jane Watson, and first appeared in What If (vol. 2) #105 (February 1998). She later acquired her own ongoing comic book, Spider-Girl, written by DeFalco and drawn by Frenz and Pat Olliffe, which was the longest-running superhero book with a lead female character ever published by Marvel before being relaunched as The Amazing Spider-Girl, and later The Spectacular Spider-Girl. Peter and Mary Jane named their daughter after his Aunt May.
This character was built using Bostik Ripara Pietra, Magic Sculp and little parts of Green Milliput.
No iron whire armature was needed because the Bostik Ripara Pietra is hardening in 5 minutes and I used its for a fast supporting structure for the Magic Sculp.
Bostik was then baked together with Magic Sculp at 130 °C for a quarter of hour without any consequences nor problem.
After the heath treatment I added milliput sculpted fingers. Hope you like her! Spider girl was a must in the Eaglemoss collection. Unfortunately they missed, Skif not!

I have to check my "See them all" page because there are two different list of my works in the web. The most trustable on my opinion is the list I have in excel and it says that this is my custom number 390.
Yes, true. The fact is that you have to wait until end of august 2015 to see the last three charcters I recently made but cannot issue here because they will take part of the italian EA customers contest in august. These are the rules....
By the way considering there are 7 displays containing 2 characters (executioner + Fandrall, Mad scientist and droid, Aurora and Northstar etc... etc....) the real number of figures I mad raise up to 397. I'm waiting a delivery from China for the last three characters and finally end up ato 400, these last 3 figures will be: Nocturne (Talia Wagner), Husk and Raptor (Brenda Drago).
Soooooo... you will not free of me for this summer... not yet!

Blue Marvel

Courtesy of Wikipedia:

Blue Marvel is the alias of Adam Bernard Brashear, a fictional character who is a comic book superhero published by Marvel Comics. The Blue Marvel debuted in Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel #1 (November 2008) and was created by actor/writer Kevin Grevioux. Grevioux originally had the idea for the character as a child.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Melita Garner and Coyote

Here we go... Melita is one of the girlfriend of Wolverine, while Coyote appeared 2014 as one of the most weird Daredevil's enemy...

Monday, July 20, 2015

Ex Nhilo (Eaglemoss custom) and Jaine Cutter (Hasegawa Ma.K. custom)

Jaine Cutter:
Jaine has a shady past. When 16 she posed for a trashy "fashion magazine". When 18, she recorded two albums for a minor studio and sold over 100 copies of each. How she got involved with magic has not been depicted.
She sacrificed the souls of seven policemen to Zahgurim in return for a granting of mystical weapons by him.
Jaine met Daimon Hellstrom while they were both fighting the Armorer, a mystical serial killer. They celebrated their victory by having sex. Hellcat, Daimon's wife, committed suicide at approximately the time of their first encounter. Daimon proceeded to invite Jaine to his realm of Hell and she was soon established as his consort.

Ex Nhilo:
Ex Nihilo was created by Jonathan Hickman and Jerome OpeƱa, and first appeared in Avengers vol. 5, #1 (December 2012).

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

S.H.I.E.L.D. soldier

As promised one of the last bullets.... a SHIELD Soldier well armed...
Hope you like it!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The old wizard going to rest....

Hi gentlemen and kind beautiful ladies reading my blog.
I was away from bloggin since couple of months, many thinhs happened meanwhile and these are going to make a turn on my homeworks....


The old wizard is tired now and need to rest....

On my table I have almost finished a SHIELD private (in painting), a recemtly started scratch built Ex Nhilo (just the main shape), a female sexy character (to custom) and the wish to sculpt Coyote (the Devil's foe) and Wendigo...

I'm going to move my family to the South to the grampas for the summer time while I'll have still a month before my holidays.... the idea is to take advantage of the next 4 weeks, when I'll be home alone, to do as much as I can on the above projects and then to put the word THE END on this beautiful adventure that is going on since 5 years.

So please stay tuned fopr the last fireworks, it will worth...


Monday, April 13, 2015

Agent Cheescake, no eaglemoss custom

Agent Cheesecake was a Life Model Decoy created specifically to seduce a target, take out opposition, and retrieve her target. She joined Clay Quartermain's latest incarnation of the Hulkbusters alongside She-Hulk. On their first mission, while She-Hulk battled the Abomination, she prevented citizens from looting. On their second mission, while She-Hulk and Wolverine battled an unspecified Wendigo, she acted as crowd control alongside Quartermain and Agent Crimson.

Cheescake has assisted the Hulkbusters against the Glob, the Toad Men, the U-Foes and Zzzax. Unfortunately, Zzzax took control of her and every other piece of electrical equipment on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. She-Hulk ultimately defeated Zzzax and freed Agent Cheesecake.

In progress: SHIELD private....