Saturday, December 21, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

I don't know if Santa Claus really exists, but for sure Joystick is coming soon!

Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sidewinder, Seth Voelker, Serpent Society

Courtesy of Wikipedia:

Seth Voelker was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin and grew up to become an economics professor. He failed to make tenure and was hired by the Roxxon Oil Company as an economic analyst. He discovered their criminal schemes and they permitted him to apply for mutagenic alteration. As the professional criminal Sidewinder, he was originally hired by Roxxon to retrieve the Serpent Crown. Alongside the third incarnation of the Serpent Squad, Sidewinder was able to return the crown to company president Hugh Jones, after a battle with the Thing, Stingray, Triton, and the Scarlet Witch.However, after his stint working for Roxxon, he decided to form his own criminal organization, the Serpent Society. He organized the Serpent Society, conducted initiation tests, and contacted potential clients. In the Society's first mission, Sidewinder dispatched them to kill MODOK on behalf of AIM. With the ability to teleport, Sidewinder promised his recruits they would never be imprisoned. This attracted several snake-themed villains, and the Serpent Society was quite successful. He also had a romantic relationship with Black Mamba.

In the Serpent Society's next mission, Sidewinder dispatched them against Captain America, and Sidewinder freed them from prison after their capture. He dispatched the Society to hunt down the Scourge who had murdered Death Adder. Sidewinder later rescued Black Racer, Copperhead, Fer-de-Lance, and Puff Adder from jail, and enlisted them in the Serpent Society.

Sidewinder was betrayed by his organization after Viper infiltrated the group. After being poisoned, he was aided by Diamondback and the two survived. He then freed Diamondback and Nomad from Commission custody. With Diamondback, he stole an artifact from Mister Jip on behalf of clients Ghaur and Llyra. He rescued Diamondback from execution by the Serpent Society. He helped Black Mamba and the Asp escape King Cobra's grasp, and fled King Cobra's reprisals. Sidewinder later unsuccessfully attempted to make peace with King Cobra by freeing him from the Vault.

Sidewinder retired from villainy in order to allow Captain America to help him get money for his daughter who was ill with cancer.

Some time later, Sidewinder was seen in an interview after his retirement from villainy.
Hope you like my figurine:

And now a snapshot of Kimuara, taken finally without flash but in a daylight....

Stay tuned buddies, still missing the last 5 characters:
Groot, Joystick, Anaconda, Bug and Mantis....

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Kimura, Marvel Comics

Courtesy of Wikipedia:
Kimura was born to an abusive alcoholic father and a negligent mother. Her life at home also mimicked her life at school, where she was also abused and tormented by her peers. Through unspecified means and at some point in time, Kimura's grandmother became her caregiver. At once, her grandmother tried to heal the emotional damage inflicted upon Kimura through nurturing, love, and understanding. However, by that point in time the emotional scars were permanent and her grandmother's attempts to reach her were futile. After her grandmother's fatal heart attack, Kimura took off, eventually coming into contact with the Facility. She then underwent some unspecified procedure that granted her physical invulnerability, density control, and reconstruction. She then exacted revenge against those in her past who had wronged her. During her time at the Facility, Kimura eventually assumed the same abusive role as the people who victimized her in the past, particularly to Laura (X-23).
This character was done starting from her nemesis Eaglemoss CMFC X-23, by changing clothes, weapons, position with Magic Sculp white.
Guys, Sidewinder and Joystick are in painting cabin, stay tuned! ;)


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Lady Punisher (Lynn Michaels)

Courtesy of :

Lynn was a cop with the NYPD until she became irritated with the department's corruption and inability to bring in a serial rapist. She attempted to capture him herself by posing as bait, but the Punisher stepped in and, in a strange turn of events, the rapist escaped. Later, she teamed up with him to take down the rapist. Sometimes she had some deep feelings for Frank, but, after reading his War Journal, she becomes disappointed and deeply hurt, and later burns it, because she isn't mentioned and decides to disappear from his life.

At some point, she joined S.H.I.E.L.D. as a deep cover operative. Infiltrating Jigsaw's organization, she brainwashed Ian, a man who lost his family in Stanford, into an assassin. Also, she disguised herself as Diamonelle, a women who gave the Punisher medical assistance. When Frank was captured, she shot Stuart Clarke to stop him from breaking Frank out. Later, when Jigsaw and the Punisher were in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, she let Ian shoot Jigsaw to make up for the fact that she brainwashed him.

This character was created starting from a Ma.K. female pilot figure, rebuilding both arms and hands, and giving her a gun made with white Magic Sculp.
Hope you like her as I do!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Orka (Marvel Comics)

Well, first of all thatnks to cooksappe for apreciating the last Hydra guy.
As said many times the final countdown started. Here is the number -9
Courtesy of Wikipedia:
Orka was originally an Atlantean soldier in the army of Warlord Krang, and aids the renegade Krang when he attempts to usurp the Atlantean throne from Namor. When this attempt fails, Orka goes into exile
from Atlantis with Krang. Orka is then chosen to be the test subject of Dr. Dorcas, the marine scientist who created Tiger Shark, one of Namor's arch foes. Courtesy of a belt with a psionic amplifier, Orka
is given the power of a killer whale, and aids Krang once more against Namor. The character skirmishes with fellow creation Tiger Shark, and the pair cause an undersea avalanche that buries them for several

Orka eventually freed himself and allies with the other-dimensional Virago, and after battling Namor twice is defeated.
The Brand Corporation (a subsidiary of Roxxon Energy Corporation) summon Orka with the aid of the Serpent Crown, and in exchange for his aid is augmented: the character's size is increased to 20 feet (6.1 m)
tall and his natural abilities are increased, eliminating the need for the psionic belt. Orka is sent on a mission that brings him into conflict with superhero team the Avengers, with Thunder God Thor
knocking him unconscious.

When warlord Attuma takes over the city of Atlantis, Orka is pardoned exile and joins the Imperial Army. Part of an invasion force that attacks the surface world, Orka battles the Avengers and the Fantastic
Four, but is defeated by heroine She-Hulk and the Black Panther and imprisoned. Orka escapes imprisonment and joins marine team Deep Six, (also consisting of Attuma, Nagala, Piranha, Sea Urchin and Tiger
Shark). The group attack the United States and battles the Avengers and the People's Protectorate and are eventually defeated.

Orka features in several other Marvel titles such as Fantastic Four, She-Hulk and the Defenders. After the events of the Civil War, Orka features in the title Heroes for Hire and joins the team (also falling
in love with fellow member Misty Knight). He also strikes up a friendship with the Heroes for Hire's invulnerable administrative assistant.
Orka is killed in combat by a Doombot (a robotic copy of villain Doctor Doom) reprogrammed by the villains the Headmen.

This character was customized from Eaglemoss CMFC Hulk. The belt, fins and face were sculpted in Magic Sculp white.

Matt Colors and Citadel, plus a couple of washing Citadel and Vallejo.

The orininal character:

Hope you have long life expectation to see the last 8 characters. I think at least 6 of them are the best sculpting I have ever done. But the rate is up to you of course!



Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hydra Soldier

Welcome back!
As promised I finished the sculpting of the last bunch of 10 characters, and this will be tha last group for my collection. The room is full, the space is over!!

Now I only have to paint foer a bit of time.

I like to start from the "worst" one, a Hydra Soldier.
Hope you like it.
It was sculpted using as base Scorpion from Eaglemoss CMFC, and using the Tamiya Epoxy Pott for  customizing. This potty is really not the best for this kind of works, I'm really happy I finished this box of Tamiya Epoxy Potty and I'm pretty sure I'll never buy another one!!

See you soonwith the next and last 9:
Groot, Bug, Mantis, Kimura, Joystick, Sidewinder, Orka, Lady Puniser and Anaconda.
So I'll finish my collection of Serpent Society with two characters: Anaconda and Sidewinder, and I'll give a reason to be to my Guardian of the Galaxy collection with three characters to add close to Starlord and Rocket Raccoon...

Monday, November 4, 2013

some progress in wips

Doing some slow progress in my wips:

Groot almost completed sculpting

 and Anaconda sculpt finished
so at the moment 7 characters are sculpted and waiting to be painted.
Those are: Anaconda, Groot, Hydra, Lady Punisher, Joystick, Orka and Sidewinder.

Now, last choices before to stop definitely my collection:

Kimura (already started some grinding operations...)
Bug (Star Jammer)
Mantis (Star Jammer)

stay tuned for the last big bang


Thursday, October 24, 2013

I'm doing some works in these days, but the idea is to complete a bunch of sculpts and then pass to painting. I think 7-8 can be enough and then go for paint... But I'm still working on number 6..... it will take some time, but I didn't want to leave you without a couple of snapshots before my week of vacation from work (I really needed that!!)

I'm not going to mention who they will become at the end, and I think that only really few are easy to recognize... have fun!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Unicorn Milos Masaryk

Probably I've been negative for today.... Just finished a new one!! Unicorn!

Courtesy of Wikipedia:
Milos Masaryk was a Soviet intelligence agent assigned to track down the original Crimson Dynamo, who defects to America after being tricked by Iron Man. Wearing technology designed by the Dynamo, Masaryk gives himself the alias the "Unicorn" and battles Iron Man after Iron Man catches him spying on Stark Industries. Although Iron Man crashes the Unicorn's plane, the villain manages to escape.
The Unicorn was among the villains affected by Doctor Doom's high-frequency emotion charger. As a result, the Unicorn went to the Baxter Building to attack the Fantastic Four at the wedding of Reed Richards and Susan Storm. He once fought Iron Man and was defeated with one punch. He teamed with Beetle, Electro, Mandarin, and the Melter against Cyclops and Iceman, but the resultant combination of their power blasts knocked them all out, and they were sent back to the immediate past by Reed Richards with no memory of attack.
The Unicorn later allies himself with Count Nefaria for financial reasons, and participates in Nefaria's attack on Washington, D.C., during which he trapped it in a forcefield he could prevent the flow of air through, being sent to capture Cyclops, which he does with help from the Eel defeating Iceman, but he is stopped by the X-Men. He then undergoes experimental conditioning to augment his powers. With increased strength, he battles Iron Man once more after attempting to extort money from the U.S. Congress, but he is again defeated. The process leaves the Unicorn with "accelerated cellular deterioration", and he is taunted with a cure by the Red Ghost in exchange for help against Iron Man. However, once it becomes evident that the Red Ghost has lied, the Unicorn aids Iron Man and later escapes. He gives up on the Red Ghost after he failed to find a cure.
The master villain, the Mandarin, makes a similar promise to the Unicorn and deploys him against Iron Man. On two more separate occasions, Unicorn's battle with Iron Man ends in Unicorn's defeat. In the first instance, the Mandarin's consciousness becomes entrapped in the Unicorn's body, but the Mandarin's mind is later freed from the Unicorn's body. Using the alias "The Other", the Titanium Man uses the Unicorn against Iron Man who is finally able to capture Masaryk. In a dramatic turn, the very moment of his capture sees Masaryk slip into a life-threatening coma. Iron Man takes Masaryk to the Avengers Mansion where teammate Yellowjacket wakes Masaryk and cures him of his debilitating disease. The process has the result of driving Masaryk insane, and a disorientated Unicorn inadvertently activates the hidden robot Arsenal. The Unicorn is stunned by the robot — which Iron Man drives off — and then placed in stasis pending a cure for his mental illness.
Months later, Masaryk is freed when a fire breaks out at Stark Enterprises. He resumes the identity of the Unicorn and finds and attacks Iron Man once again. Still insane, the Unicorn refuses to believe that "The Other" was a lie, and decides to walk back to the Soviet Union via the ocean to find him. A severely weakened Iron Man is powerless to stop him and can only watch as the Unicorn apparently drowns in the Atlantic Ocean.
The Unicorn is later revived by the entity the Beyonder to fight with a new version of the Lethal Legion. The Unicorn is given a true third eye on a stalk with energy projection capabilities in lieu of a suit.
During the Infinity storyline, Unicorn is among the villains recruited by Spymaster to help him attack the almost-defenseless Stark Tower.

Work: Just a resin copy of Green Lantern Eaglemoss with few changes mainly in green Milliput.
Paints: Citadel and Matts Colors. Washes: Citadel.

Hope you like it!

Next steps

Nothing to show today, but I was doing a check around the house to find possible solutions to again extend my collection. But I have to say definitely there is not!

So here is the final list of characters that I'm considering as the last extension. After these, every character I'll be doing should leave this house or be a big issue in terms of space! Eheheheh!

So far, here is the last forecasted extension:

345-Unicorn (already in painting shop....)
349-Princess Python
356-Lady Punisher
Well, probably many of them are "must have" for this collection, probably others don't. I'm thinking about Lady Punisher or Kimura and Joystick. Hey please don't mention Zeladane: she's sweet and sexy enough to be a "must have, here and now!"

Is that I like the way Kimura can be created starting from her nemesys X-23 Eaglemoss figure, and I just have a resin copy of her...

Joystick and Lady punisher are pretty unknown that make me imagine a cover without interpretation limits. You probably know what I mean.

Stay tuned, Unicorn is quite close to be issued.


Monday, September 30, 2013

Molecule man

The Molecule Man started out as a lowly laboratory technician who worked at the Acme Atomic Corp. But one day, while Owen Reece was bemoaning his position in life as a nobody, a cog in the wheels of the corporation, he became distracted enough to make a mistake that would forever change his life. The atomic machine he worked on blasted him with radiation, and he survived, but the accident gave him power over the very building blocks of existence. Without even knowing his name, the head of the corporation fired him, but Owen used his newfound powers to freeze him solid, using a wand that he believed he needed to focus his powers.

More on:

Steel Wind Ruriko Tsumura

Ruriko Tsumura was a gentle artist from Japan who was on a pleasure cruise when the boat exploded. She was washed up ashore, and was found by the Freakmaster, who replaced much of her mangled body with cyborg parts, and she was renamed Steel Wind. She felt honor-bound to serve the Freakmaster, who sent her to disrupt and ruin a series of carnivals. During the course of these missions, Steel Wind came into conflict with the demonic hero Ghost Rider. Steel Wind was subjected to Ghost Rider's hellfire and rendered comatose.
Ruriko's sister Sadae made a deal with Centurious to restore Ruriko, and in return was also turned into a cyborg, known as Steel Vengeance.

Steel Wind later showed up as a member of the all-female army of supervillains the Femizons, and helped attack the heroes Captain America and Paladin, who were investigating the group.
Later, Steel Wind and Steel Vengeance teamed up to attack a carnival, when they again clashed with Ghost Rider, but failed. In retaliation for this failure, Centurious killed Steel Vengeance.
Steel Wind later turned against Centurious, and was about to kill him when Ghost Rider convinced her not to. She rode off, to places unknown.
At some point, a Scourge of the Underworld failed in his mission to kill Steel Wind, and was executed by his employer the Red Skull as a result.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Face (Inferno Baby)

Face was one of the Inferno Babies used to open portals to Limbo and taken by Project Purgatory. Using information from Cameron Hodge, Ten mutant children were kidnapped, by N'Astirh's N’asteris, during the Inferno. The infants arrived in a cemetery, where the demon N'Astirh was attempting to create a permanent portal open between the demon infested dimension of Limbo and Earth.
The infants were teleported to Times Square, where the New Mutant, Magik, was opening a portal to return her teammates from Limbo and N'Astirh, using the babies as the points of an inverted pentagram (focusing beams of power because of their purity and openness to use them as natural, living conduits who could not block the flow of power and who would not know how to shut it off), kept the portal open. N'Astirh attempted to used them, and baby Christopher Summers, who later grew-up to become Cable, to open a portal from Limbo to Earth and was partially successful in merging the two realms. 
The X-Terminators and the New Mutants saved the children. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Meggan Puceanu

Courtesy of Wikipedia:
Born in a blizzard to a British Romanichal family near Fenborough Station in England, Meggan adapted to the cold by growing fur, to the horror of her family. Unfortunately, as an empathic metamorph, the more they saw her as a monster, the more monstrous she became, growing webbing upon her hands and feet, antennae on her head, claws, and patagia. The belief that she was some sort of monster was also affected by the fact that Meggan's birth took place near an ancient British fortress that was rumoured to be the site of dark magics. Meggan's family hid her away in their camper, where she watched television incessantly, totally immersing herself in the fantasy of the various British TV shows of the time (such as Gerry Anderson fare, Quatermass, Doctor Who and many more). Eventually, she met Captain Britain and fought him, but then befriended him. She fell in love with him, joining him as an adventurer. With him, she first encountered Gatecrasher's Technet.
After having been told by a telepath that her inner soul looked as beautiful "as an iridescent butterfly", during combat against a commando of R.C.X.-controlled "Warpies", she stabilized her powers on an attractive form that pleased Brian (and thus pleased her). Captain Britain fell in love right back, and the two began a romantic relationship. Together, they defeated Baba Yaga.
The two had a long and stormy courtship, marred by events both cosmic and mundane.

Made by a 1:22,5 miniature (90mm) from Preiser Beach Collection with changes in white Magic Sculp.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Marvel Comic's Gunna Sijurvald vs Sentinel, no Ealemoss

Courtesy of marvel wikia:
Gunna Sijurvald was born of an Asgardian mother and a Magzi troll father who had captured her. Even though she looks Asgardian, she was raised by the trolls. When the Asgardians captured Gunna, along with a group of Magzi trolls, they named her Gunna after her mother, and tried to introduce her to Asgardian culture with litle success. She escaped with the Troll after Asgard was destroyed during the events of Siege.

I love this character and wanted into the CMFC Eaglemoss, a good time to do it was when I took the decision to take part to the July 2013 Italian Custom Contest. My Idea was to give the impression of a fight between technology and primitive mistique power o this Asgardian character. That's why I choose a sentinel as opponent. As usual I went last in the contest, but that's another history!

The 250 ml soap Ironman designed box was good to start the sentinel, having the head sculpted scratch built with Super Sculpey. And Gunna is totally new scretch from Super Sculpey and finished with Milliput (accessories). Despite the quality of the pictures and the speed (the job was made all in about 5 hrs of work about) I consider Gunna one of my best scratch bult figures.

Someone to focus on Gunna, one with the entire sentinel and other to show the size comparison versus normal CMFC Eaglemoss figures. Size does matter (when you are a sentinel...)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Kaine Parker Red Spider

Kaine Parker (of Earth-616) is the first of five clones created by Jackal in hope to create a perfect version of Peter Parker.
He is currently the only surviving clone and has taken up the mantle of the Scarlet Spider.

"My name is Kaine. All my life, I was dying. I did terrible things. But now... now I have a second chance. And I'm Not going to waste it. I'm not Spider-Man. I'm not a hero. But maybe I don't have to be a monster. Maybe I can make up for all the things that I've done. Maybe I can stop running and have a life for the first time. And if not, well... Mexico's right next door."

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Aleta Ogord

Courtesy of Comicvine:
The galactic beauty named Aleta had always been aggressive and devoid of emotion. Aleta is the daughter of Ogord, a member of the Reavers of Arcturus and her mother, Salaan. She hated her adoptive brother, Stakar, because unlike her, he was caring and passive. In her eyes, he was weak and unworthy of bearing the same name as her families. Time passed and the two would come to see each other with disdain and keep guard from each other. When Stakar became the age of manhood, he and Aleta went to the forbidden city to met his destiny. Although Aleta hated Stakar's weakness, she assisted him because he finally showed courage to adventure there by himself.
The Hawk God allowed Aleta and Stakar to be separated for a short time, although Aleta's physical body was killed in the transformation. Her body is actually made from light which she can make solid. During that time, Aleta had three children - Tara, John and Sita - who were subsequently kidnapped by their grandfather and turned into psychic vampires. Aleta’s children were killed and Aleta blamed her brother Stakar for the whole incident.
She and Starhawk both joined the Guardians of the Galaxy. In a battle with the Stark, she was bombarded with multiple lasers while trying to switch places with her brother. Somehow, this caused them to split into separate beings. Aleta started a relationship with galactic superhero, Vance Astro, because of her loneliness.Soon, Stakar begins to lose his powers and starts fading from existence. He tells Aleta that they were not supposed to be split so soon and attempted to fuse back together with her. Aleta refused the combination, and soon gained the majority of the Starhawk power. In the meantime, she helped Stakar by providing her light powers to him.

This custom was made starting from my custom "Satana" made by Arachne Eaglemoss  copy.

and poket version of the same picture...

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Captain Italy and Captain Spain (European Defense Initiative)

Umberto Landi is one of the E.D.I.'s (European Defense Initiative) Excalibur-Class Super-Soldiers along the two Captain Britain, Brian and Jaime Braddock, Captain Spain and Captain France.
When he and the rest of the E.D.I. where investigating the Dome, base of the Children of Tomorrow, he was killed by them.

Peak Human Strength: Umberto strenght have been enhanced to the peak of human potential. Even though his limits are unknown.
Enhanced Durability: Umberto bones and muscles are denser and harder than normal, to the highest human potential, which makes him very durable compared to a normal human.

Carlos Fraile (Captain Spain) powers: Peak Human Strength: Carlos strenght have been enhanced to the peak of human potential. Even though his limits are unknown.

Enhanced Durability: Carlos bones and muscles are denser and harder than normal, to the highest human potential, which makes him very durable compared to a normal human.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Real Name: Abner Jenkins, currently goes by Matthew Davis
Occupation: Former mechanic and professional criminal, now practicing hero
Identity: (as Jenkins) publicly known, (as Davis) secret
Legal status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record
Place of Birth: Baltimore, Maryland
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: (Former) employee of the Collector and Justin Hammer, (former) partner of the Gladiator, (former) member of Egghead's Masters of Evil, (current)Thunderbolts
Base of Operations: Mt. Charteris
First Appearance: STRANGE TALES #123 (as the Beetle)

History: Abner Jenkins was a master mechanic at an aircraft parts factory who became dissatisfied with his boring, low paying job. Using his considerable mechanical knowledge, Jenkins built an armor-plated, strength-augmenting suit, a pair of gravity-defying wings, suction-fingered gloves, and a cybernetic control helmet. Calling himself the Beetle, Jenkins decided to use his battle-suit for fame, wealth, and adventure. The Beetle chose to lure the Human Torch and the Thing into battle believing a victory over half the Fantastic Four would make him an overnight sensation. Unfortunately, the Thing and the Torch defeated him, and he was sent to prison. Paroled a short time later, he sought revenge on the Torch, but found himself in battle with Spider-Man instead. Once again he was defeated. Upon his release, he decided to forego petty revenge and concentrated on the acquisition of wealth. He battled Spider-Man and Daredevil separately on various occasions, and once recruited by the Collector to serve as his unwilling agent. Under the Collector's domination, the Beetle faced the Avengers.

Losing every battle against costumed crime fighter and failing to accumulate very much wealth, the Beetle offered his services to underworld financier Justin Hammer, who kept various superhuman criminals on retainers. His offer accepted, the Beetle was dispatched against the original Iron Man, as part of a battalion of costumed criminals. His Beetle armor was severely damaged by Iron Man during the fight.

Jenkins then invested all of the capital he could acquire into the modification and refinement of his Beetle armor. With the assistance of the Thinker, he produced a new battle suit with far greater capacities than his old one. Before launching his comeback, the Beetle recruited the criminal Ringer to put Spider-Man through his paces. The Beetle wished to study Spider-Man's fighting style and program it into a computer system so he could anticipate his opponent's moves. Despite his preparations and new battle-suit, the Beetle was defeated by Spider-Man. He was later freed from prison by Egghead who recruited him for his Masters of Evil organization. The Beetle and other Masters of Evil were defeated by the Avengers and arrested.
When most of Earth's costumed adventurers, including the Avengers and Fantastic Four, seemingly died battling Onslaught, Baron Zemo recruited Jenkins and a number of other villains to trick the world into believing they were heroes called the Thunderbolts. Jenkins adopted the guise of Mach-1. Zemo's plan ultimately failed, but Jenkins and other members decided to try making the Thunderbolts a legitimate team. When Hawkeye took over the group's leadership, he convinced Jenkins to serve out the remainder of his prison term as a show of good faith to the public. But when another criminal used the guise of the Beetle to frame him, Jenkins escaped from jail. Rather than return to prison, he underwent plastic surgery, drastically altering his looks. Ogre also improved on his flight suit, and Jenkins adopted the codename Mach-2.

This custom has been made from a Eaglemoss Avalanche figure with use of Green Milliput and Magic  Sculp White.